Thursday, February 4, 2016

5 Awkward Feelings You Have When You’re On The Right Path

This might come as a surprise, but the right path doesn’t always emerge paved in gold, blanketed with comfort. Many times, when you follow the right path in life, you will inevitably experience uncomfortable feelings. Why? Well, think of it like this. When you’ve become accustomed to certain beliefs or a way of living for so long, and your life radically changes, it will feel foreign, and maybe even scary at first.
When you go through an internal awakening and realize you cannot keep living like you have been, you might begin to question everything you once knew. Don’t worry, everyone goes through this from time to time. You can’t expect the right path to appear and your life suddenly becomes devoid of challenges or upheaval. In fact, uncomfortable feelings can indicate that you have found the right path; after all, why would we ever follow through with a decision if we didn’t feel the least bit of apprehension? Isn’t life about taking risks, and going forward even if we feel scared? Oftentimes, the things that scare you will actually contribute to your growth as a person, which means you should follow through with them as you continue on your journey.



Anytime we face something new in life, we will start to experience feelings of apprehension. After all, anxiety and excitement are basically the same emotion, expressed differently. Maybe what we feel anxious about, can actually turn into what we feel excited about later on. As you continue on your journey, you might find that old ways of thinking simply don’t match up with your life choices anymore. You might begin to see the world as a hostile, scary place, and wonder how you fit into it all. Don’t worry or beat yourself up, this feeling is normal.
Oftentimes, it takes feeling utterly bewildered and on the verge of a breakdown to see things clearly. Feeling anxious simply means you have been resisting change, so just let go and let flow. Everything will work itself out in the end.


You might begin to feel disassociated with everything around you, and feel totally disconnected from yourself and others. Again, these feelings will pass. All this means is that you’ve begun to awaken to your true identity, and all the old layers and false beliefs will start to melt away. If you feel like you’ve lost your direction, don’t let this overtake your senses. Remember, you have to lose your way to find it, as we live in a universe of duality. You cannot know yourself until you lose yourself, so consider this a blessing.


As you start to follow the right path in life, you might find that you have trouble falling, or staying, asleep. While this might seem harmful and very destructive, it can lead to incredible breakthroughs and new ways of thinking about life. Remember, it must get worse before it gets better, so losing sleep can indeed lead you to discover a totally new way of living that will help you feel more fulfilled, relaxed, and happy, thus resulting in better sleep.
These times might seem difficult and scary, but also remember that you are not alone here. 7 billion other people have to occupy this planet and share your struggles and fears as well, so find solace in this fact.


Awakening to the right path can seem incredibly isolating at times. Others might imply that you’ve lost your mind, but don’t pay them any attention. Oftentimes, we find our inner truths in silence and solitude, so embrace them. You don’t need to feel afraid of your own company; instead, learn to love it. Make friends with your darkest shadows and your brightest light, and you will find that you don’t feel so alone by yourself after awhile. Isolation gives us a chance to define ourselves, instead of allowing our group of friends or family members define us.


It’s perfectly normal to release old labels and ways of identifying yourself. You don’t need to have stringent labels placed on yourself in order to function in this world; embrace yourself as the beautiful, cosmic being that you are, and keep an open mind. Being present and realizing that we can change moment to moment will help you on your path, as you strip away all the labels that no longer serve you.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

6 Foods That Are Making You Lose Sleep

Most people know that drinking two cups of fully caffeinated coffee before bed will leave you tossing and turning all night. However, many don’t realize that even healthier foods can keep you up for hours past your bedtime, which can therefore cause you to turn to higher fat, higher calorie foods to compensate for excess stress caused by sleep deprivation.
According to a study, a survey on sleep deprivation and insomnia in more than 1.1 million participants revealed that regularly getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep resulted in a higher BMI. Therefore, you can infer that getting a good night’s sleep can help you stave off unwanted pounds, and also, avoid cravings for unhealthy foods.
In order to maintain a healthy weight and feel good overall, you will need to get adequate sleep. Unfortunately, many people indulge at foods at night that do anything but send them off to dreamland, instead, keeping them alert and awake well into the night.



Who would’ve ever guessed that broccoli and cauliflower could cause you to pull an all-nighter? These types of veggies have tons of important minerals and phytochemicals that greatly benefit your health, as well as tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to produce serotonin, which induces sleep. However, cruciferous vegetables are among the hardest to digest, containing a high amount of insoluble fiber, which takes longer to move through your system. By eating these veggies too close to bedtime, your body will have to work on digesting the food instead of getting you ready for sleep, meaning hours of potential sleep time down the drain.


While dark chocolate contains tons of antioxidants and minerals, lowers the risk of heart disease, decreases blood pressure, and even protects the skin from the sun, eating it too close to bed will leave you staring at the ceiling all night long. Some dark chocolate contains almost as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee, with the darker varieties having the most caffeine. They also contain tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates the body, making it even more difficult to fall asleep.


Many people snack on these foods at a party or other special event, but while they taste good, they don’t do much for your beauty rest. Cured meats and aged cheese contain an amino acid called tyramine which releases norepinephrine, another stimulant that will do anything except make you feel sleepy.


Tomato sauce accompanies many dishes, especially Italian ones such as spaghetti, pizza, lasagna, or other similar favorites. While most people love a steaming bowl of pasta covered in marinara sauce, indulging in this delicious comfort food could keep you awake longer than you’d intended. Tomatoes contain a slew of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that have proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, but they also are very acidic, which can lead to heartburn and indigestion late at night. Try to consume tomatoes a few hours before bed to avoid any symptoms of acid reflux.


According to research, high fat foods such as red meat take longer to digest than high fiber, high carbohydrate foods because fattier foods send signals to the stomach to empty it slowly. On average, it takes meat-eaters 24 hours longer for food to exit their digestive system due to their higher fat intake. However, if you do choose to eat meat, try to avoid eating heavier meats, such as beef and pork, close to bedtime. Opt for chicken or fish instead, which are much easier to digest. Keep in mind that high-protein diets have been linked to sleep apnea, however, so make sure to eat an adequate amount of fiber to keep your diet balanced.


Just like tomatoes, spicy foods can trigger heartburn and indigestion, making it very difficult to get a sound sleep. They also boost the metabolism and raise your body’s core temperature, which makes for a very uncomfortable situation when you get ready to drift off at night. If you do eat spicy foods, make sure to eat them at least a few hours before bed, to give them time to digest properly.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 Signs You're Disrespecting Yourself

The relationship rules that exist are just as important for the relationship we create with ourselves as it is for our relationships with others. Trusting, listening, communicating and most of all respecting ourselves is important to living in our truth.
You can’t be the best version of you without giving yourself the same respect we demand of others. The problem is that we don’t often see how we treat ourselves as either respectful or disrespectful. These signs will certainly help:



Respect your time and energy by spending it on projects and with people that matter most. We aren’t doing ourselves any favors by over scheduling our days and taking time away from the necessary self-care that makes us whole.


We’ve all felt the need to give our life a bit of a facelift in order to impress someone. We also know that we shouldn’t have to do it and yet, we do it anyway. It’s the ultimate sign of disrespect to ourselves to think who we are isn’t good enough. And if we aren’t good enough for them, the real truth is they aren’t good enough for us.


Our opinions matter and when we don’t express them, we are basically saying to ourselves and everyone around us that they don’t. If someone is offended by our honest and thoughtful opinions, then they weren’t really seeking advice, they were seeking a “yes” man. Show respect for you and others by expressing how you feel honestly and with kindness.


We aren’t do anyone any favors by ignoring what we need in terms of rest, relaxation and overall self-care. We operate better, are more productive and emotionally stable when we are taking care of ourselves.


Seeking advice has a place in our lives for sure, but it’s important to remember it’s only advice. Whether we are giving or receiving it, there shouldn’t be a personal affront when it isn’t followed. It only means it wasn’t quite right at that time. Don’t feel guilty for going against the advice you received and making a decision that feels right to you.


Nobody thrives on conflict and sometimes it is easier to just let things go. We have to balance that with defending ourselves. In order to respect ourselves, it’s important that people know the truth about us and the role we play in certain situations. Sometimes it’s correcting a wrong and other times it’s correcting a right. Either way, painting a clear and accurate picture is the ultimate sign of respect.


We are creatures of feelings and emotions, but society has taught us to keep them hidden so as to not make others uncomfortable. You are disrespecting yourself everytime you say things are fine when they aren’t. Be true to who you are and more importantly how you’re feeling.


The only attention that truly matters is the attention we give ourselves. When we seek attention from others, we are simply looking for outside validation of something we probably already know. If you find yourself seeking the approval of someone else, look within and figure out what’s missing. Then go to work on filling the gap.


We only have the ability to affect our own happiness and when we are happy, we want others to be happy too. The problem with trying to make others happier is that is we usually end up leaving them wanting, and as a result, we create a greater void on the inside. We can affect the greatest change by focusing on ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi says, “be the change we want to see in the world.”


It is hard to be our authentic selves when we are hanging out with people who do not appreciate and share beliefs and values that help promote our true self. Take the time to find and grow with like-minded people that support who you are. It’s hard not to respect yourself when you are loved and supported.
Nobody sets out to be disrespectful to themselves, but so many automatic behaviors end up doing just that. Automatic responses to how we feel, not speaking our minds to avoid hurting feelings, and seeking validation from an outside source instead of within while seemingly harmless are forms of disrespect.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

25 Benefits of Lemon You Didn’t Know About


1. Lemon helps break a fever.
Lemon juice increases perspiration which in turn can help force a fever to break.
2. Lemons help improve our mood.
The refreshing smell of lemons can help lessen symptoms of depression while increasing energy levels.
3. Lemons help us breathe better.
Lemons can aid asthma sufferers by thinning mucus and clearing the airways.
4. Lemon helps relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Lemon flushes out toxins and bacteria thanks to its diuretic properties. The reduction in toxins helps to reduce inflammation in the joints.
5. Lemons help prevent kidney stones.
Lemons are responsible for stimulating the production of the chemical compound, urinary citrate, a key compound in the prevention of kidney stones.
6. Lemons are effective as a topical disinfectant.
Use the juice from lemons on scrapes and cuts to disinfect the area.
7. Lemon preserves clothing.
Lemon juice, along with salt, can help remove mold and stains from clothing.
8. Lemons can treat acne and problem skin.
Lemons are a natural cleansing agent for the skin thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal properties.
9. Lemon lightens age spots.
The citric acid in lemons helps to even skin tone and fade dark spots.
10. Lemons help oily skin.
Lemons can cut through oil while helping to curb excess oil production in the skin.
11. Lemon will strengthen your nails.
Some lemon juice mixed with olive oil will strengthen and whiten weak and brittle nails.
12. Lemons are a natural insect repellant.
Wipe baseboards with a mixture of lemon juice and some water to keep ants, flies and cockroaches at bay.
13. Lemons help with the signs of aging.
The bioflavonoids in lemons are responsible for the reduction of free radicals which can cause skin damage and premature aging.
14. Lemons help relieve headaches.
A mixture of green tea and lemon can be as effective as aspirin in relieving headaches.
15. Lemons are good for oral health.
Lemons can help with infected and bleeding gums and can reduce tooth pain.
16. Lemons fight against bad breath.
The citric acid in a lemon helps to balance our body’s pH which will aid in destroying the bacteria in the mouth.
17. Lemons whiten teeth.
Mix some lemon juice with baking soda for a natural teeth whitener.
18. Lemons naturally exfoliate.
Rubbing a lemon directly on chapped and dry skin will aid in the removal of dead skin.
19. Lemons can detoxify the blood.
Our blood accumulates toxins and regular consumption of lemon acts as a detoxifying and purification agent for our blood.
20. Lemons can help ward off or heal infections.
Lemons are in antibacterial properties which can help heal and even prevent infection.
21. Lemons can provide natural highlights.
Add a little lemon juice to your hair conditioner and sit in the sun for awhile. After rinsing your hair, you will notice your natural highlights beginning to appear.
22. Lemons help prevent dandruff.
Massage a little lemon juice and warm olive oil into your scalp to relieve itchiness and dryness.
23. Lemons cleanse the body.
Mix lemon juice with a little milk or yogurt and massage over your skin. It will cleanse, exfoliate and soften in one step.
24. Lemons can improve your digestive system.
Warm water with lemon can help prevent constipation and improve your overall digestive system.
25. Lemons are an effective cleanser.
Lemon juice mixed with water can act as a cleaning and disinfectant for your counters and can help remove pesticides from your fruits and vegetables.
The benefits of lemon are far-reaching because they are effective both in healing and prevention. There is even promising research that says lemon can aid in weight loss.


It is recommended to ingest at least ½ of a lemon daily. The most simple way to start is by adding some lemon to your water.
A few words of caution. Lemon can be hard on the enamel of your teeth. So if when drinking lemon water or eating a lemon, rinse with plain water to remove the acid from your teeth. Also, if applying to the skin, they can make the skin more sensitive to the sun so make sure and wear sunscreen.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

12 Steps to Being a Happier Person

12 Steps to Being a Happier Person

Many of us feel unhappy and disconnected on a daily basis.  Sometimes even when we are doing our best, we get discouraged wondering why we are not a happier person. The truth is, we often overlook some of the easiest ways to turn our frown upside down – our every day habits. What we do on a consistent basis can make or break our happiness,  no matter how good of a person we are.
Here are quick and simple tips (we often forget) that can add more happiness to our every day life.

12 Steps to Being a Happier Person:

1. Smile more and complain less.
2. Connect with people and friends.
3. Spend more time with supportive family.
4. Help others in need.
5. Be more optimistic about life and the way things will turn out.
6. Plan a trip or a vacation.
7. Learn to forgive.
8. Set new goals and achieve them.
9. Do yoga or meditation.
10. Get a pet – and interact with the pet.
11. Get some time off of work.
12. Do physical activity like walking or running.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

Our mind is designed to protect us. It is good at painting the picture it thinks we want to see, not knowing if that is helpful or harmful. While painting the picture, the mind comes up with all sorts of excuses designed to give us an out.
It is up to you to decide how important something is and then question the excuses that are preventing it from happening. Chances are when you begin to question the excuse, you will realize there isn’t one that should stand in your way.
You can overcome your mind’s tendency to make excuses by recognizing the sabotaging thoughts your mind is trying to tell you. Here are some common ones.

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

1. It’s not possible.

It’s like you’ve given up before you started which is the mind’s way of trying to protect you from failure. Remember, failure is often a necessary step towards success. Tell yourself, “it is possible.” You might need to do some research and think creatively but “where there is a will, there’s a way.”

2. I’m not capable.

This excuse is fear talking. It is trying to help you save face. Steven Pressfield said in his book the Art of Work, “The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear, and then he can do his work. The professional knows
that fear can never be overcome. He knows there’s no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread­free artist.” Don’t let fear win. Keep telling yourself are capable, and you are able and do the work to make it so.

3. It’s easier for them because they have money and know the right people.

Everybody has to start somewhere, and it is often those that start something with very little resources that make the biggest differences. Why? Because when you have to figure things out, you think creatively. And creative thinking leads to innovation.

4. I don’t have the time or the money.

This is just your way of trying to talk yourself out of doing it. Time and money are rarely the real reasons keeping you from doing what you want to do. There is usually some other underlying issue. Figure out what that issue is and you will have already won.

5. One day, when …

One day when … the kids are grown, the house is paid off, or you get that promotion are common excuses preventing you from taking the next step.
You can “one day, when…” yourself right out of achieving your dreams. There is never a perfect time to take a chance, so you might as well take the first step today.

6. It’s just not working.

This is a way of giving up. Sure, there are times when closing a business or stopping work on an idea is appropriate but it is very rarely because it isn’t working.
It is time for a real assessment of the situation, remembering that success usually follows some dip in momentum. Find the real reasons for why it isn’t “working” and then evaluate your next steps.

7. It’s too late.

Too late for whom? It is NEVER too late.
According to Kauffman Foundation’s annual Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, almost one ­quarter of all entrepreneurs in 2012 were between the ages of 55 and 64, and that number is on the rise.
So, if a 60­ year old is willing to do all that is necessary to start a business, what is it that is too late for you to start?

8. I need a paycheck.

Don’t use your existing job as an excuse to stop doing the things that matter to you. Yes, it is important to put food on the table but if something resonates with you, you owe it yourself to find the time.
You can accept the status quo, or you can spend a little time every day doing something that feeds your soul. The choice is yours, make sure and choose wisely.

9. It will take too long.

What is too long, really? Sure everyone wants happiness, abundance and tranquility right now, but all good things are worth the effort and the process. Anything worth having is worth pursuing, regardless of when it will arrive.
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” ? A.A. Milne, Winnie­the­Pooh

10. I won’t have any free time.

It’s time to figure out what you value most. Whenever you take on something new, it will infringe on your free time. If that something new is important enough though, you realize giving up your free time is only temporary. If the risk is worth the reward, then your free time is best spent on making something great happen.
It’s time to stand up to the “excuse ­making” machine called your mind. Challenge it and take back control. So, what excuses does your mind give you?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

10 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10 AM

10 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10 AM

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
You don’t have to be a morning person to benefit from morning rituals. Most people hit snooze, roll out of bed and into some clothes while plunging into their day without a plan.
You, however, can choose to approach your day mindfully. Being mindful will increase the odds that you will feel good, be more productive and end up happier when it’s all over.

Here are ten things you should do every morning before 10:00 am to stack the deck in your favor.


Meditating or even some simple breathing can help you begin your day with a sense of calm. Instead of reaching for your phone or checking email first thing in the morning, take just a few minutes to sit and experience the quiet.
There is plenty of activity during our day, make a commitment to start on a quieter note. It will set the tone for your day and will help increase your focus, energy, and optimism.

Reflect in Gratitude

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart
Start your day by reflecting on what you are grateful for. A consistent practice of gratitude in the mornings will increase your awareness of gratitude throughout your day. It will also make you more resilient when challenges occur and help you put drama in perspective.

Set Your Daily Intention

In the quiet of the day, before the fires need putting out, plan your day by focusing on three goals you want to accomplish.
Make those goals a priority for the day. When you set about planning your day with intention, you are more likely to feel productive at the end of it.

Pad Your Schedule

As you go about setting your daily intentions, pad your schedule to allow yourself to tend to fires as they arise. Padding your schedule with free time will give you a better chance of achieving your goals and may even add some downtime throughout the day.


Your body awakens dehydrated, so it is very important to drink up first thing in the morning. In her book, The Body Ecology Diet, Donna Gates suggests you drink half of your entire daily water intake by mid-morning. It will flush your system of toxins, leave you feeling less hungry and reduce headaches throughout the day.


You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t wake up feeling a bit stiff. It isn’t always easy to incorporate exercise into a morning routine. If you were going to choose one thing, the American Journal of Sports Medicine suggests adding a short muscle-stretching sequence of exercises to your morning schedule.
Studies show that consistent stretching in the morning can increase flexibility, improve circulation, reduce stress throughout your day and improve posture.

Listen to Music

Starting your day with upbeat and fun music will not only wake you up but it will fill you with positive energy for your day.
2013 study found that music makes you feel good. According to study participants, the two most important benefits of listening to music are “mood regulation” and “self-awareness.”
Not only has it been shown to improve your mood but it can end up increasing motivation, performance, and lead to a better night’s sleep too.


Start your day off by smiling at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Smiling will have a positive effect on your overall attitude and well-being, even when it starts out a little forced. Smiling makes you more approachable, and appear more trustworthy. In fact, The University of Montpellier discovered that smiling will also make you a more effective leader.

Clean Up After Yourself

Life is busy and morning routines can be a bit rushed. It can be very tempting when you are running behind to leave your clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink or leave the trash until later. Just do put them away!
Procrastination around cleaning up after yourself can prevent you from realizing our highest potential and best work. It also allows you to relax fully upon returning home. It is better to pro-actively clean up after yourself than waiting to be called out on it.

Do Your Hardest Task First

It might seem enticing to get a bunch of easy things checked off your to-do list, but it has been shown time and time again that doing your hardest task first leads to a more productive and happier day. You are more likely to remember the day as being a good one when your day gets better and is easier over time. The bonus: it helps stop procrastination over the things we like to do the least.